October 30, 2018

Rendah Hati

Today before I off to the office, I asked Allah to make me someone yang rendah hatinya. Entah kenapa I rasa lately I easily become a bitter and ignorant person. This kind of attitude sometimes brings no good to you. Especially at your workplace. I need to change.

And I could say that Allah has answered my prayer.

I don't even know where I got the confidence to reply my superior's email like that. In a way that shows like I'm not doing any wrong. But hell no.. You're wrong my dear...

Professionalism. That's the thing being the border before I got carried away with my overconfidence. Haih

Semoga esok hari yang indah. Chin up.

LIKE pon bolehh! :D

August 10, 2018

Mimpi Kena Marah

Malam tadi tidur agak lewat. Pukul 2am macam tu. And then like 4am terjaga sebab mimpi kena marah.

Yang paling rare nya.. lepas daripada mimpi tu. Aku dok la terfikir..
"Kenapa marah aku?"
"I'm soft, don't scold me" <-- lol="" p="">Lepastu entah macam mana..
Aku menangis non-stop. Air mata meleleh-leleh taknak berhenti.
Sampai basah bantal aku weh. Jenuh aku lap air mata tu. Still mengalir.
Macam sedih gila lah mimpi aku.

Aku pun pelik. Aku ni dah kenapa? Sensitip nau-nau.

Lastnya aku tertido balik. Well, kalau lepas nangis lagi senang nak tido.

LIKE pon bolehh! :D
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